We determine whether a person's eyes are open or closed in a photo and video, and also recognize exactly where he is looking.
We recognize faces in photos and videos, and then store the metadata of each person in a database for future use.
Glasses, Masks, and Beards
We can even recognize the faces of people in sunglasses, medical masks, and as previously mentioned, people who appear with a beard or mustache.
Makeup, Hair, and Eye Color Recognition
We know how to determine make-up, hair, and eye color of a person so that in the future, changes can be made to these features.
Facial Gender, Ethnicity, and Age Recognition
Recognize a person's age, ethnicity, and gender by their photo or video image with 98% accuracy.
Emotion and Smile Detections
Find out how people react to your event, movie, or advertisement. We recognize joy, sadness, anger, and other emotions. Additionally, we can also identify smiles in a photo.